
My name is Esther Tadesse, and I'm from Toronto, Canada. One of my favourite things to talk about is Mental Health. I believe our thoughts control our emotions and actions, and without understanding the way we think, it's difficult to find solutions to the problems we face.  My motto is, "Healthy Mind, Healthy Life." 

I grew up in a loving household, with two parents who-- like so many other parents-- strived to shelter their children from the ugliness of the world. Saying words like, depression or anxiety were forbidden in my house. They feared that if my sisters and I used words like that to describe our state of mind, we would let those emotions overtake us. In essence, mental health awareness has always been taboo for many people. A concept that isn't perceived as normal. But in actuality, mental health is the most important thing to teach and learn about. 

As I got older, I began to embrace, both the negative and positive side, of mental health. I even majored in Psychology, during my undergrad, because I became obsessed with understanding the human mind. I wanted to study the foundation of mental health because I learned, at an early age, that our minds are the most powerful tool in our bodies. Our thoughts depict our emotions and vice versa. We aren't taught in school how to love ourselves, and it's a shame; how different the world would be, if schools introduced self-love education into their curriculum. 

I began a blog called,The Diary Of A Goddess, to promote mental health awareness and discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly side of our way of thinking. 

The takeaway message of this article, is to embrace mental health. It's important to understand why we feel the way we do. But we can't do that if we deny the issue itself. In life, it takes accepting the bad, to reveal the good. The sooner we start recognising that mental health is the most important topic to discuss, the sooner we can find healthy solutions to our problems. 

IG: @thediaryofagoddessWebsite: