What is the most effective thing you do to help anxiety?

Our audience was asked on instagram (https://www.instagram.com/p/CKf-LHNnUpA/) what is the most effective thing that they do to help manage anxiety and here are some of the responses.

  • Spend some time with my doggies - @nicolakerm - This is a fantastic idea and one that I definitely use myself with my three dogs.

  • Bake! - @depressedcakeshop - another idea I definitely use myself

  • Walking - @instapghssr

  • BREATHE!!!!! - @leslie.a.krum

  • Quiet time. No music, no tv, sit/lie down or walk depending on the energy levels. From there, consciously working on slowing the breath, lowering the shoulders, releasing tightness in the jaws. - @cee_n_c

  • Put my hand on my heart, take a deep breath, know I’m connected to something bigger, and tell myself I am safe. - @aviva2.0

  • A hot water bottle on my stomach to feel snug - @hanknits

  • If I can’t sleep, put a TV show in the background to help distract my mind. - @claridgeerin

  • Taking my meds. Helped me go from convinced there was constant impending doom, not able to function because of the fear, to having a fuller, more rounded life with a job, social life and stable(ish) emotions. - @kittythewomble

  • I listened to a podcast and they advised to stop and swop.... it really helps you back in to reality instead of your brain running off with itself. - @lisah1972

  • Exercise! Either HIIT or a nice walk on sunset by myself + podcasts! - @macnallly

  • I journal. It's therapeutic. - @thesafeplaceafrica

  • Breathing exercises. - @joyfulblonde1987

  • When I was anxious I had #COVID, I went and got a test. Tested negative. Sleeping soundly since. - @sallyt_art

Some really great ideas commented on this post! Let me know if you have any other ideas which help you with your anxiety.